Unsere Kultur dient als treibende Kraft hinter unserer Organisation, da wir bestrebt sind, eine der zehn führenden Sportmarken zu werden, indem wir unser Geschäft ausbauen, um mehr Gutes zu tun. Wir glauben fest daran, dass der Schlüssel zur Erreichung dieses Ziels in unserer Herangehensweise liegt, in allem, was wir tun, verspielt, mutig und inklusiv zu sein. Wir sind mit einer Wachstumsmentalität geboren und stehen vereint als ein inklusives Team, das eine Umgebung fördert, in der wir zusammenkommen, um sowohl kleine als auch monumentale Siege zu feiern. Wir erkennen an, dass individuelle Ideen durch Teamarbeit verbessert werden, Fehler gemeinsam behoben werden und individuelle Erfolge als Team gefeiert werden. Unsere Kühnheit wird durch unsere Fähigkeit exemplifiziert, Risiken zu bewerten und schnelle Entscheidungen zu treffen, da der Versuch, die Welt durch Sport zu verändern, Mut und Entschlossenheit erfordert.
Gemeinsam können wir das Unvorstellbare träumen, das Unglaubliche wagen und das Unmögliche tun. Schließen Sie sich uns an und lassen Sie uns die Welt durch Sport verändern. Ein Spiel nach dem anderen.
It is the reason we get up in the morning. It's what drives us to do our very best every single day.
Through our continued pursuit of growth, we use sport as a universal driver helping us create positive impact year after year. In short, doing business enables us to do more good.
We believe that being a challenger is the key to changing the world. And we’re not afraid to dream big.
We’re competitors by heart, and we constantly set new goals to ensure our continuous development. Driving a healthy, growing business will allow us to continue our vision of changing the world through sport.
For us, everything starts with play. It’s cool to let loose. To leave the grind behind.
We are curious, creative minds that play to deliver results. We’re playful but never goofy. We’re open-minded, friendly, and positive.
Yes, sport can be serious, but it’s also filled with laughs, with memories. We believe in balancing big dreams with an even bigger heart. Because being a little playful… well, it makes everything just a little easier.
We want to include everyone. We never come across as for the selected few. You see, in the nation of sport, you win and lose as a team. Individual ideas become better through team effort and individual accomplishments are celebrated together – as one big team.
And being a team is: having our tribe stand behind us, we stand up for those who can’t fend for themselves.
Together we make greatness.
We dare to stand out. To say what needs to be said. But not because we want to provoke or pick a fight. No, because we believe that speaking up can move mountains. That no question is too big.
We aim to be game changers. To make the complicated uncomplicated. To show courage. And as a challenger brand, we’re never afraid to go the uncharted route.
Our people are the most valuable asset we have in our company. Inside as well as outside of hummel. It is those who are influenced by us. Those who influence us. And we want to be known for putting our people in the front and center. We want all and every employee to feel motivated, safe and happy.
But it’s also each and every one surrounding us: It’s our customers. Our suppliers. And our clubs. All equally important to the growth of our business. We strive to collaborate respectfully and ethically. Always encouraging honesty and mutual respect. Above all, we strive to become the ideal partner for all external stakeholders.
For more than 20 years, it has been in our DNA to CHANGE THE WORLD THROUGH SPORT. That is why we are here. It is our purpose. Simply.
We grow our business to do even more good in the world. And sport is our catalysator to do so. It is the language we speak. The air we breathe.
We want to disrupt with purpose: Challenge conventions. Support the disadvantaged. Bring people together. Eliminate differences. Fight for equality. No matter the goal, we are doing so through collaborations, sponsorships, projects, teams, clubs and individuals with whom we share the vision of changing the world for the better. Because we believe in real change – like sport – is best shared.
We want to take care of our planet and reduce our footprint. We broaden our actions. There is no way around the fact that we are part of a polluting industry. At the same time, the very same industry requires us to hold stock. Ultimately, we prioritize long-term sustainability strategies to contribute to a better future.
We strive towards bringing down our use of chemicals, pesticides and plastic from products to packaging and notably reducing our Green House Gas emissions. Beyond anything, we want to be honest, authentic and transparent in what we do, how we do, and the way we communicate about it.